Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yarn Along - Better Late Than Never!

Sometime back in November, a friend of mine asked me to make her son a Viking Hat for christmas.  As I'd already made three of them before without any mishaps, I figured I needed only a few days to make it. So left it until last minute!!   Not sure where I went wrong - four times - but I just couldn't get this to work.  When it did resemble a hat it was big enough for her tall strapping Danish husband but her wee three year old son could have used it as a boat!  Then to add insult to injury the horns came out different sizes!  Guess I just got a bit complacent.

Needless to say it didn't get finished until last weekend.
Winter here has been very mild and we have had only two very insignificant snow falls since December, so he didn't really need it until now, says she, trying to ease her guilty conscience.

 'Traineau a Chien'  in saturdays 'big' snow fall
Whilst deciding on my next project I cast on a headband for myself from Knitting 24/7 with some stash. This is the second project I've tried from this book having abandoned the first.   I don't want to criticize something that myself am incapable to doing, ie writing a knitting pattern, but I don't find the instructions in this book very clearly written.   I don't think I'll attempt anything else from it.  Shame really as it contains some beautiful projects.

Started reading Lord of The Rings but then a friend mentioned that I should have read The Hobbit first.  Another friend, writer and english teacher, said not I'm having a pause to think about it.  Any advice?    In the mean while I'm re-reading The Shipping News.

Counting my blessings this afternoon - a hour ago a guy drove his 4 x 4 with big metal hitch thing, into my car.  Made rather a mess of the front, but thankfully I was stationary, he was going slowly and both Rémi and I had seat belts on!!  Said he didn't see us!  I've got a fairly big, well high, 4 x 4 myself, just glad that it was my car he 'didn't see' and not some small child!!

Looking forward to reading some Yarn Along posts and unwinding a little this afternoon.


  1. On no about the car accident - thank goodness you were both all right. The Hobbit does give you some background info re where the ring came from, etc. but they can be read stand alone. I would say for myself read The Hobbit first as I love Tolkien! And you are too clever to make that Viking hat - my three year old would adore it!

  2. Glad you are ok and just the car got hurt. I did read the Hobbit first but when I was about ten, I didn't read The Lord of the Rings until about ten years later so I don't think it was of much benefit to me! I loved The Shipping News :)

    I love the Viking hat, glad it worked in the end!

  3. I am so glad that you are all OK. The Viking hat is stunning, despite all the mishaps, a real delight.

  4. What a scary moment! Glad that everyone was OK. I agree with The Hobbit first! Such an amazing series of books. and the Viking hat? soo cute! Happy it worked out finally. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Goodness, glad you are okay. Love your headband.

  6. That hat is amazing! So glad to hear you are OK!
    I read the lord of the rings trilogy before reading the hobbit- I think either way is really OK.

  7. oh my!!! I'm glad you all are very scary!

  8. OHHH! Glad you are OK after your accident! Love the hat.

  9. Yikes that accident must have been scary, glad you're ok. Love the Viking hat, it's utterly brilliant :)

  10. Yikes! Glad no one was hurt, but it must have been scary, and now to deal with car repairs!! Love that Viking hat! So adorable! And I agree with you about confusing knitting directions...just not worth the stress and hassle of trying to decipher them. I would recommend reading the Hobbit's a really good, enjoyable story. The L of the R has a lot more odd sidetracks and digressions and by the time you get to the end of it, you might not have the energy to read and more Tolkien, and that would be a shame, because the Hobbit is a good story.

  11. Yikes! Glad no one was hurt, but it must have been scary, and now to deal with car repairs!! Love that Viking hat! So adorable! And I agree with you about confusing knitting directions...just not worth the stress and hassle of trying to decipher them. I would recommend reading the Hobbit's a really good, enjoyable story. The L of the R has a lot more odd sidetracks and digressions and by the time you get to the end of it, you might not have the energy to read and more Tolkien, and that would be a shame, because the Hobbit is a good story.

  12. My one daughter says to read "The Hobbit" first. She said it would make more sense.

    I want to make a head band for myself too, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

  13. What a wonderful hat! I'm so impressed; I've never managed to get past fairly simple hats, so I can't imagine trying horns. :) So glad nothing terrible happened with the accident. This just reinforces my need to have a giant, sturdy car...

  14. This is just great:D
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