Sock and mittens on the go at the moment. The socks were a Christmas knit for a friends daughter but Tino saw them and declared them his, think they would have been to big for her anyhow! I've got a funny feeling that I'm not going to have enough yarn to finish them...which means a wee trip back to Italy where I bought it. Would probably to cheaper just to order it on-line but I've got a hankering for panetone and some good Italian coffee!!!
I whipped up these mittens for Tino to wear to school in the mornings from some pure wool that a guy gave me at a medieval festival this summer (I bough two other skeins and he threw this one in for free).
Tino thinks they smell like sheep!
We've gone from a ridiculously hot November here to snow and -10° in the space of a few days. Tino and I are both down with colds and even the car didn't appreciate the change in weather conditions - the back window shattered yesterday morning from the cold!
Currently reading about the different techniques of mediation. I'm experimenting with the easiest one which involves counting repeatedly from 1-4 for 15 minutes and not thinking about anything else....Don't think I've even finished one repeat of 4 without my mind wandering off someplace!!!
Today Rémi celebrates his 11th birthday, and has invited his two best friends over for tea. We celebrated with family at the weekend with pumpkin pie and chocolate and orange cake.

So as ever I seem light years behind everyone in the world of technology, having only just discovered Instagram!!! What fun!!! Rémi introduced it to me and even told me about a thing called Facebook, and another called Twitter....but I don't think I'm quite ready for all that just yet. The only Twittering I want for the moment is from my feathered friends!!!
What are you knitting, twitting, pinning, or just plain ol' reading this week?
Linking up with Ginny
Linking up with Ginny